Amidst Matt's busy work load this summer he has managed to fit us all in. And not just squeeze the boys and me in between conference calls, trips, and days crammed full of emails; he's found the time and the enthusiasm to really make some marvelous memories with us over the past month. While the first picture is of the two of us at Navarro Vineyard in Alexandria Valley (taken by Caleb, I might add), the rest of these pictures capture what Matt was really doing, going on wonderful expeditions with his boys! I was merely along to chronicle the adventures... and provide snacks.
After leaving Navarro Vineyard with a wonderful bottle of PREMIUM GRAPE JUICE, we drove through a grand (little) portion of the Mendocino Redwood Forest. Matt pulled over on the side of the road three times and ordered everyone out. It was the highlight of the boys' day! All four of them!
Continuing on toward the coast we eventually hit the 101 and found a place to pull over. A trail led to the cliffs just South of the picturesque town of Mendocino. Note Matt's towel* the weather turned cold as soon as we hit the Northern California coastline.
From there we drove up to have lunch in Mendocino and then continued up the coast to the historical Cabrillo Point, home of the Cabrillo Light Station. The picture below of Matt walking with the boys is my favorite from this day, despite the towels. And for the record while hand holding is sincerely precious, they all bound together here because they are walking dangerously close to the edge of a perilous cliff.
It was a half mile back to our car from the light house when little Asher took a bad fall, scraping up his knee pretty bad. Good thing his dad is big and strong!
Another place the boys went with their Dad this summer was to the Clear Lake State Park for a morning of Jr. Rangers. Here they are walking the boardwalk through the park after their morning with the Park Ranger.
With the summer only half way over... more fun is sure to come!