T'was the Night Before Christmas
And all through the house
not a Creature was stirring...
However, one of my Sons was sleeping upon his Toys R Us Catalogue!
We've never been a catalogue family before, however back in October
when we went to the store for a gift for for Brody's birthday, Caleb
got 3 catalogues for his brothers and himself to dream over.
As you can see Caleb wanted a specific toy so terribly bad that he
This is the first Christmas I recall any of my children knowing specifically
what they wanted for Christmas. As you can see, my just-turned-9 year old
knew exactly what he wanted. An electric motorcycle!
Caleb awoke at 4am this morning and was ushered back to bed by his Dad,
although my excited son had already glimpsed his
Blue Razor Dirt Bike beside the tree.
Needless to say, he didn't sleep a wink between 4 and 6:30
this morning when we finally allowed the boys to come out
into the living room to start in on the Christmas morning fun.
And it was fun! There were Legos for Caleb and Legos for Brody and Asher too...
But the majority of the day was spent doing this...
and this...
and this!
Before he fell asleep tonight I said,
"I told you I was only going to buy three presents per person this year but I just couldn't stop!"
"That's okay," Caleb reassured me.
"But I'm afraid you and your Brothers won't know what Christmas is really all about."
Caleb propped himself up in bed, looked me square in the eye and said,
"We know that Christmas is about Jesus, that He's the real gift.
It's okay, Mom. Really it's okay you bought us so many presents!"
Laughing tonight as I think on the sincerity of his sweet assurance.
Merry Christmas to my first born son! And Merry Christmas to you,
our family and friends.