Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Turned 6 months old on our vacation last week.
Here's his first time sitting up on his own.
He also has two teeth, loves to eat, 
and continues to be the happiest,
easiest baby EVER.

CALEB'S first time on the ICE happened last week in McCAll.  
He went one hour and 40 minutes straight!  He was an animal!  
On lookers couldn't believe it was his first time.  
He held onto a bucket and RAN on the ice with his little skates.

If you ask Brody what he wants to be when he grows up, he'll tell you... "WATER."
Here he is at "Grandma's Condo" in McCall, Idaho.

Caleb had many big boy adventures last week  
including a trip up the mountain on a ski lift. 
This was only trumped by the ice skating...
Oh, and finding specks of fool's gold floating in the lake!

While we didn't see any bears this year, it was a wonderful family vacation.